This is a follow up to the last post. This process came about because I used to always avoid using mask because it created such hard edges. But then I thought, that is silly its just a tool. Figure out how to use it effectively. What has hard edges? Start with that....
Painting Process
Values in Watercolor
Next is testing the palette. This is not only for color but also how the pigment moves on the paper. This changes with the weather. Moisture in the air changes the paper's absorption. Step 3 Fluid first coat creates the under lying movement for the painting.
Steps in Painting Tangled
I am recording the progress of painting as many who came through the gallery this summer have told me of their interest in watching the process. Here is my first attempt. Let me know if you want to see more or less! This piece is going to be filled with color and...
Learning and Failing (Isn’t failure)
Well it has been forever since I have written... been far more into color... and learning. The fall started with taking a class in Abstract Painting ( which I kind of got kicked out of..I did complete all the projects though!) Now I am in a portrait class. I really...
Foibles and Flops and Fixes
I painted the piece below and was quite happy with it for many reasons. First I wanted a sky that was less saturated hues than I usually do - a more tender, subtle feel. Our skies here in Maine tend to be very showy. But this day was not. It was late fall,...
Pastel Process
First step is choosing the key colors around which the painting will originate. This process might take as many as 2-3 days. I a testing colors for value, hue and temperature making sure that when layered on top of each other they create depth of field as well as...
Recreating a Scene-Pastel
Recreating a scene seen on the fly... I am trying to recreate something I saw last fall when I could not stop to sketch or even take color notes. Day 2 is spent building layers of depth in the sky, choosing specific colors to help leaves pop, testing colors for the...