Day Whatever whatever…- values

Apr 2, 2020 | Watercolor

to my friend who loves birds and is learning watercolor! Think of a bird as 2 ovals. (Yes I know I should have rotated the picture!) What makes something look animated is making sure each part is torqued or not lined up. See how the body is juxtaposed to the head? I am going to muse for a moment. For those who are raring to go with paint and water skip to the next paragraph. As you take these steps into the extraordinary world of color, movement, mathematics, chemistry, physics, music and observation, think simple!

OK so for today’s lesson we are going back to water/pigment ratio. My dear nephew asked how to paint the seas foam saying, “With lots and lots of water?”  Well… no actually. What you do want is much more water than pigment but only a little bit of that mixture on the paper.


Play with this. Put lots of water on the paper, then a little less, then a little less. See what happens.

Another truth is:

PIGMENT WILL NOT GO WHERE THERE IS NO WATER That is how I painted the sun in the wave painting under day 3. You can either paint the sun (<= has far too much water)first and let it completely dry or paint around thus sun making sure no water goes within the circle of the sun. So I took a 1 min video to give you some ideas on how to move pigment around in water without mucky brush strokes.. but for the life of me I can not figure out how to get it from inside my phone to inside my computer! Thats my homework  tonight!

Try this 

For the video… I hope it works

There are no rights or wrongs! There is only is this the affect I want!

Pigment water ratio is so important to play with and then also amount of that mixture on your brush.

Story Alert!!! When I was teaching I would always ask my students What are you trying to achieve, where do you think you are successful and where are you feeling frustrated? I had one student who wanted rich saturated colors in her paintings. In watercolor this is hard to achieve because colors lighten by a good 30% as they dry. However, I watcher her paint. She had a beautiful kolinsky sable brush which holds lots of water/pigment. As she painting she would dip that luscious brush in water then go to her palette. After doing this 4-5 times there was so much water in the pigment that it had become totally washed out! We mopped up that extra water, kept a white cloth beside her palette where she would plunk the brush head up and down a couple of times before going to her palette! He paintings began to sing with color! Here is something one friend did to learn colors. WHat a wonderful chart! And this is how you will learn what colors do! Another way to do this is to do a horizontal strip of each color let that dry then paint vertical strips. That way you can see what the colors look like glazed on top of each color!

I can not tell you how happy and how much richer this post is for this contribution! Please send what you are doing!!!