OK so day 1 was about our palette but more the questions I asked were to help you decide what you like. Day 2 was about playing with water and pigment proportions.,
This post will be about the pigments. Here is some of the science about watercolor
- What makes watercolor special is light going through the pigment bouncing off the paper and coming back to the eye. This creates the sense of light. In other words if you want this light effect learn how to let the water move the pigment. Dont treat watercolor like acrylics – highly controlled and deliberate!
- There are 4 types of pigment – translucent non staining, translucent staining, staining and truly opaque.
- Using decent supplies will make your journey more satisfying and faster!
When beginning I strongly suggest limiting your palette really learning those pigments inside out and upside down. I have seen many students buy lots of supplies then become confused and frustrated not knowing how to begin!
Beginning Pigments- Translucent and non staining- Rose Madder Genuine, Aureolin Yellow, Cobalt blue and Opera. You can make all the colors on the color wheel with this palette! And these are non staining so you can clean off your paper if you do not damage the paper beneath the barrier of water!
If you think this a medium you will truly pursue spread out the squirts of your paint so you can add other colors in the future.
A good exercise is making a 12 color color wheel. Use the above pigments to do this. This will help you learn the pigments.