A major motivation for picking up this teaching venue again is for my nephew, Remi. Hi Remi!!! He is so enthused about learning to paint! He is also giving me feed back about what is and is not working. In our talk today I realized I need to back track a bit and cover some basic terms so we are all speaking the same language.
For Drawing the terms are
Line- yes this —— ( but connected)
Plane – where a surface changes. The most obvious is two planes of a box. But the face is loaded with plane changes top of the nose, sides of the nose etc.
Edge – Where 2 planes come together
Value – Lights and Darks
For Watercolor
Hue – color
Chroma – intensity of the hue. Pure cobalt out of the tube or has it been greyed
Pigment – the material used to make a color
Palette – has 2 meanings. One is the physical piece of equipment used to hold paints the other selected colors used for a particular painting
Temperature of colors- Warm typically are reds, yellows and oranges. Cools are green, blue. But a blue can be warm as a yellow can be cool.
Try identifying some of the above terms in the painting at the top of the page and how those concepts were used to create the picture. And the picture used as the Featured Image was done with 3 colors – rose Madder Genuine, Ultramarine and Veridian
Tomorrow I will try to make a video to illustrate some of this!