The beauty of watercolor is how water moves the pigment. TOday’s play is some suggestions on how to help that water. The top iris petal was outlined then filled in with pigment/water mixture. THe bottom the area was filled in with water then the pigment added. See the nuance created by the water drawing the pigment out? And that is something the human hand just can not do!
In the bottom petal the lower right I used 2 colors to make the purple instead of a tube purple. See how the colors ( CB and Opera dont completely mix so there are variations of color? To my eye this adds nuance and interest. In the bottom picture you can see where I went back in on the lower part of the petal while the paint was still damp and tightened up the edge as I wanted that edge to be more defined in contrast to the softness inside the petal. I just ran the tip of my round along that bottom edge right where the paper went from being wet to being dry. The wet part drew the pigment into the petal. For the top of the petal when the paint was not quite dry I took the brush stroking outwards to create the light part that attaches to the flower proper. This also then created a soft edge where those values shift from the dark of the petal to the transition … This ability of making such soft edges with watercolor as well as hard ones is so beautiful.. well at least I think so! One last thought, light reveals form. As painters we have darks and lights to show form. WE also have warm and cool. Cool recedes warm comes forward. Play with your cobalt and rose madder today see if you can discover that. Tomorrow will talk more about how to use warm and cool as well as light and dark to build form.
Enjoy the afternoon. Stay safe!